2025 Spring > UGRD > ANTH
Anthropology 2025 Spring Courses
ANTH 105 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 106 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 107 Intro To Archaeology
ANTH 113G Food and Society
ANTH 210L Labor and Working Class History in the United States
ANTH 220G Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Change in Amazonia
ANTH 224G The Rise and Fall of the Maya
ANTH 230 Archaeological Myth & Mystery
ANTH 232 The Viking World
ANTH 243L Rethinking the Family: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
ANTH 247 Ancient Cities & States
ANTH 260 Anthropology On Film
ANTH 262 Dreams & Dreaming
ANTH 263 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 264 Shamanisms: Anthropological Perspectives
ANTH 268 Wine and Culture: An Anthropological Perspective
ANTH 269L Anthropology of the Objects and the Objectified: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Things
ANTH 272 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
ANTH 273 Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica (Mexico and Guatemala)
ANTH 277 US Immigration: Contemporary Issues and Debates
ANTH 279 Peoples and Cultures of the Andes: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile
ANTH 295L Introduction to Human Rights
ANTH 324 A Biocultural Approach to War
ANTH 340 Historical Archaeology
ANTH 341 Archaeological Method and Theory with Laboratory
ANTH 345 Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology
ANTH 356 African Diaspora Art in the City
ANTH 361L Indigenous Film and Critical Visual Studies
ANTH 367 Social and Cultural Perspectives on Witchcraft and Sorcery
ANTH 368 Myth in Cultural Context
ANTH 425 Contemporary Issues in Anthropology
ANTH 477L LLOP Research Seminar
ANTH 479 Directed Study II
ANTH 488 Internship in Anthropology
ANTH 491 Independent Research II